Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 62 - crash and burn

ok, so confession time. tonight we went for dinner at my partners aunty and uncles and I ate what they cooked (had 2 pieces of ravioli, salad and garlic bread. so not too bad in the big scheme of things. then......i had the most delicious cupcake sized sticky date pudding with icecream! i am very disapointed in myself. although this is my first non compliant pcp binge - i shouldnt have done it. what can i say really, no excuses. naughty. shivers, i also had a couple (well 4 to be exact) crackers with a smidgen of cheese (which was greasy and gross by the way). i feel like i have let the team down, and myself, i was doing so well.

The motivaton i had before seems to be slowly fading, i dont know why, and i want to really put in 100% this last month, but its hard to stay focused if that makes sense, why now? its such a pain these feelings of 'ive had enough of this' wont go away.

ok so theres that out of the way. hope everyone else is going well



  1. Kowhai don't weigh one evening against 61 full days of dedication! You are definitely still committed, and still doing awesome. It's like Patrick says about the pain during workouts - don't let this define you, just move through it. You haven't let us down, what makes the team stronger is seeing how we each recover and rebuild after these deviations from the project. You can do it!

  2. Seriously, this is one day, measured up against all the positive things you've done that have gotten you this far! Believe me, I could have easily done the same thing -- restless mind is speaking to me! Elena's point is right on: we'll help you get through this and move forward. Just make today the best it can be. :)

  3. You can eat whatever you want in a month. But give yourself this one month! Be strong!

  4. Kowhai, we came all the way to Day 62 and it so human to have a day that you feel difficult to focus. Don't let that feeling take your energy away. Move forward. One day at a time.
