Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 89 bad bad week. old habits. last day tomorrow

wow so its our last day tomorrow! im excited to have it all over with but at the same time so so scared!

so i have a confession. ive had an extremley bad week. i havnt been feeling well, work is really shit and i sortv fell into old habits. i thought this was something i had under control, but my emotional eating reared its ugly head this week. ive had non pcp food this week. ive had chocolate a few times, some icecream and sundried tomatoes and olives in my salad. I did find that eating junk food made me feel even worse after because i didnt even need to eat it. it wasnt satisfying. so, i was gona keep that to myself as this is really stupid when i only had 1 week to go! worst way to end my journey, but its best just to put it out there.
so this is the biggest challenge i have ahead, not going back to old habits! i really dont want to undo all my hard work.

what does everyone else do when they are having a crap day?

Ive actually found too that exercising really makes me feel better. i feel better about myself and just happier. like how in one of emails Patrick was saying something about the endorphins. i have learnt so much over these past 3 months! im really really glad i did the pcp with my wonderful team mates and Patrick. ok so will check back in tomorrow with my pics for our last day!


  1. First off, sundried tomatoes and olives are not junk food. :) I wouldn't feel too guilty about them. When I'm having a crap day, I try to be somewhere quiet, maybe take a bubble bath, read a book and if I really need to zone, watch a movie. My struggle is to avoid grabbing a beer or smoking when I'm feeling low. I guess just be mindful of your actions and forgiving of yourself.

    I'm a little nervous, too, but excited to rejoin the journey of life with a new perspective and an arsenal of healthier habits. I think we'll be alright, Kowhai. :)

  2. I think we're all kind of anxious about letting go of the apron strings and stepping out on our own.

    You've done so well, Kowai. We are all proud of you.

    What to do with a crap day? Breathe. Find a friend. Count your blessings.

    You've been a blessing to me. Always so faithful in making comments on my posts! And so encouraging.


  3. I really, really relate to this, Kowhai! And, I too had some transgressions in the past couple of weeks.
    Here are some of the things I'm going to try and do in the future when I feel the schlump girl emotional eating stuff coming on:
    1. do 8 minute abs!
    2. go for a walk and call a friend or relative while I'm walking
    3. make a healthier alternative to snack on (i.e. if i'm craving something crunchy, make some popcorn straight from the kernels on the stovetop)
    4. if the emotion is exhaustion, just go to bed and not dawdle!
    5. if all else fails, plan or make a high-quality indulgence like the one i had monday (i blogged about it)

    Hopefully some of those ideas will help both of us!

  4. Sigh, if only there was someone to help you through this transition time and get your head on right again... OH WAIT THAT'S ME!
