Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 44

So the last couple of weeks ive been feeling worried about putting the weight back on and not being able to lose the extra fat I want gone on my lower half. I spoke to Patrick and he made me feel better about it all. what would i do without you Patrick! just having the support there works wonders. pre pcp, when i felt down about things or didnt see the changes I wanted, id have a chocolate bar or junk to make myself feel better, then id feel bad and so the spiral continued. I guess im just worried that im not going to progress anymore cause this is about the point I got to on a diet i did last year - then it went downhill and I put the weight back on. This time I am determined to stick with it, but it gets a little hard mentally with the time and what not you have to put in to get there.

a couple of people at work are really shitting me latley. they think they know it all and have to comment on my diet pretty much daily and what im eating and say things like ' you dont need to diet - just exercise more and eat less', or ' just stop eating breakfast'. I dont even start the conversation - so I dont get why they need to make those comments and get worked up about what im eating! im the one doing it not them. There was one comment where someone said that Marilyn monroe was a hepher! wtf..no wonder there is all this pressure on young girls to be stick thin these days - ridiculous comments like that.

My work mates know im on the PCP but I havnt told them about my blogs etc . hence my little rant. Its not that i think i might give up or anything like that - not at all, im in this fully, but Im sick of the little comments on my food everyday, so this is my thing.

on a more postive note - a collegue told me my diets working this morning and ive lost weight, lookin good. that was quite nice. he was quite sceptical when i told him what i was doin. he told me to just run every morning - but thats easier than it sounds!

The workout last night kicked my butt. had a cry, but got through it. Was meant to get up and do the workout this morning, but was way too tird, went to bed late. was meant to go climbing last night too, but didnt get there.
ok rant over.

Have had a look at your guys photos, you are all looking so good! congrats for day 44!


  1. Keep it up, Kowhai! You'll show those negative co-workers that they are just being jealous bullies in the end! It can be hard to ignore other people's opinions, especially when they are unfavorable, but this is about YOU eating healthy and getting into peak shape, not about their hang-ups with their own diet/fitness.
    I like to kill people with kindness: "Thanks for your concern about my health. It means a lot to me to know you care."
    Hopefully they will get the hint to STOP TALKING about you!

  2. "Skip breakfast" is perhaps the single worst thing a person could do who wants to lose weight. Just do your thing and they'll quiet down pretty soon.


  3. Yeah, everyone is an expert. Just nod and smile.

    When my mother left for Kansas this morning she said "Now don't lose too much weight! Be good to yourself!"

    I smiled and nodded.

  4. Stay positive, lady! We are on your side and believe in you! :) I agree with Jennifer, kill them with kindness. It's my newest strategy. This is about you, not them. Smile, hold your head high and focus on your goals! ~big bear hug!!!~ (or maybe I should say little bear hug!)

  5. Good luck, Kowhai! We are all rooting for you, so when you hear those annoying negative comments, think of things that the rest of us - your team! - would say instead. You're rocking this!!

  6. I know, it's tough. I would imagine that because you're already fairly thin, it would be even harder for people around you to understand why you're making a change. I'm thinking about something Patrick posted once, about how he looks at people who give him advice and he asks himself if that person is in a place he wants to be. Everybody's got a solution, but you're doing something that's working for you, so you're doing the right thing for YOU. And don't try to argue with them, they're not going to listen anyway. I like Deb's advice of "smile and nod."

  7. Thanks guys! yep ill take that on board and smile and nod!
