Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 39 Friday

Best day of the week. sleep in tomorrow! although, i think its Thursday for you guys in America today?
right, as per patricks email this morning, im gona start jumping in the morning, its gona be a bit hard cause its cold and dark, but i reckon this will be better, and give me more time after work.

The pistol squats are really hard - i dont think im doing them proply at all, both knees click when i go down and it feels really wierd.

still hate planks.haha. the bicycle was tough last night! struggled to keep my legs up.
I think im gona get out alice in wonderland and shutter island tonight. have been watching entourage episodes too, great series!

gona get into swimming this weekend too and make it a twice weekly thing i reckon.

I went shopping yesterday for work clothes and what not - man it feels really good to fit into stuff a whole lot better and in a smaller size! am lookin so much better in a skirt. woohoo.


  1. How "winter" is it right now where you are?

  2. hmm well its cold, but winter here isnt frosty or anything, its colder than usuall tho, wierd weather goin on

  3. Hang in there, down under... You are an actual athlete!
