Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 35 woot!

Hooray, i cant believe its day 35 already! it seemed like yesterday that we were the new pcpers! thankgod that first month is over - it was hell getting through those cravings!

My partner and I made some grainy bread yesterday, it was sooo good! had it for my carbs at lunch - small confession - i had a smigen of low fat margerine on it ;). i wont do it again. I took a picture to share but dont have the camera with me at work.

I hate planks and leg ups. Ive been grumbling through the exercises this last week.

So im gona try 8min abs at some stage - instead of the legs ups - the leg ups seem to give me a sorer back.

havnt done my 1400 jumps yet, will do those after work - but should be all good!

Finished the second season of True Blood yesterday - man I love that program!

also, my floor jumps dont look like Patricks photo - Its difficult to keep my legs bent in the air, it is way hard!

I quite like the banana, apple, milk and egg white at dinner, i have this earlier - round 5ish, then have the vegies around 7 when my partner eats, so it works in good. Ive been having yogurt instead of the milk too, so its de-lish. I have the egg white boiled. i tried it with cottage cheese, like how Patrick has it, but i duno about that.

happy day 35!


  1. Must see True Blood! Glad things are coming along for sound happy & content today. :)

  2. You are doing very well - I think you are very good at pushing your body to the limit. Inspiring, Kowhai. I read your posts now with what I pretend is an australian accent....
