Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 23

Have just finished the exercises, was alittle tough, my back is getting worse. Ive gotten way fitter with the jump rope so thats going pretty good! Deborah, heres a pic of my rope, its just a simple one from k-mart, i think the brand is sportte or something like that. its simple but really good and you can shorten if need.

Today was a liitle hard, i was hungry and everyone around me was eating muffins and hot chips! oh well i just stuck to my sandwich for lunch. seeing changes this week does make this easier to keep strong!

This is a pic of pumpkin, spring onion and zucchini soup i made, with
water. Its pretty good! although I think possibly the boiling might take out the nutrients? not sure. Ill have some for lunch tomorrow.

I was going to make bread last weekend and use Elenas recipie, but i cheated and brought a bread mix box. haha. i forgot the yeast tho so ill make it this weekend. yum!

you cant really see, but this is my wall calendar all crossed out till day 23!

everyone is doing and looking so great, keep it up!
isnt this a cute bunny.


  1. yes, that bunny is adorable! :) i love that you're counting down the's like Christmas!

    Keep resisting, Kowhai! I had another work food even yesterday with lots of cookies and brownies and meatballs and cheese dip, mmmmm, cheese dip! I rolled in with grilled chicken and veggie skewers.

  2. good job resisting the muffins and chips!! at my office we have beer (!!), chips, cookies and often some kind of cake, plus huge delicious fresh bagels on fridays. so, i know how you feel!! but it feels so better to resist and know that we're part of something more important than those indulgences.

  3. Yeah, if your vegetable has lost all of its crunch it's a good bet the nutrients have broken down. You still get the fiber though.

  4. Simple jump rope is good. Mine is just like that.

    To resist food at work is challenging but you are doing well !!!

  5. Thanks Kowhai for the pic of jump rope. I will will will get better at jumping. I might try a different rope just to see if it makes any difference. I suspect it's not the rope...hmmmm....
