Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 22 - woohoo changes!

Patrick was right! this week i have noticed some changes..my jeans fit good again! they were difficult to pull up and I struggled to do them up, but now they fit, hooray! have lost 3kgs also.

1000 jumps went really well yesterday, they are getting much easier, apart from the tripping!

Ive been on a groundwater course last couple of days - they had muffins for morning tea! yum, but i stuck to my fruit. We also got given lunch bags today with goodies, man i wanted to eat the chips! but theres no way im gona give in, so i brought it home for my partner.

My new jump rope is great, it was 4buks and is perfect!

Ive been watching the first season of true blood too...its pretty good. adictive.

im stoked too, cause our work ball isnt until september, so i should be looking good by then and ill be able to drink! yey.

happy day 22!


  1. Woohoo, Kowhai!! You go, girl! We're makin' it happen. :)

  2. What kind of jump rope are you using? You're doing so well with the jumping!! I'm wondering if a different jump rope would help me.

  3. Good for you for staying on course even though muffins & chips were right there!

  4. You look great in the pictures!

    Congrats to fitting your jeans good!!
    I still have to work harder to be able to wear my jeans !
