Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 10 - Feeling tired after big lunch

Today I am feeling sleepy.
so it was hard to get my exercises done after work. Of course I got through them tho, thankgod thats done.

Diet is going well, well I find it hard to get all of my lunch down but i get there in the end.
Those recipies will come in handy Deborah! im def finding it hard to be creative with the food.

Fruit is so good. I think my chocolate cravings are lessening, I havnt felt like it for a few days now... I was given a crunchy today, and I didnt even think 'man I want that'. I brought it home for my partner.

Its a little difficult as I have to drive past mcdonalds everyday... the cravings are getting less tho. oh man but when that sweet sweet smell lingers through the car window I imagine how good it would be to eat a big mac. oh and that sauce... yuuumm. I know this couple who dont even crave junk food, at all. amazing. I think they were a little shocked when we suggested macas for tea after a day of climbing.

The soreness has gone now, but man, im with you on those lunges Royce, I get so bord, they take so long - theyre probably the exercise I dislike the most.

Yey day 10!


  1. ahha TO DAY TEN!!

    DOwn with ronald mcdonald!

    good job on turning down that crunchy! it simply can NOT compare to 3 giant strawberries.

    Down with LUNGES TOO! ahaha but the legs are looking with lunges?

  2. I also loathe the lunges, but Royce is right - they're making our legs "SEXXAAYY" haha!
    Years ago I used to like fast food much more than now (now i crave it roughly once a year, though there are some high-end fast food spots in NYC that i love love love: shake shack!). Anyway, the way I cured myself of it was to research the process of making fast food. I successfully grossed myself out and the cravings faded very quickly as each time I'd have them I'd think about the re-used oil for frying, the gross conditions back there, where the beef comes from (and how the cows are treated). I suggest watching SUPER SIZE ME and THE CORPORATION. I think that will help!

  3. Lunges!
    Everyone's least favorite but we will thank lunges in 3 months time.
    Set me FREE!!!!

  4. I don't hate the lunges, which of course makes me wonder if I'm doing them right.

    Read "Fast Food Nation" and that will go a long way towards curing fast food cravings. I still get a hankering for McDonald's now but it's easier to avoid when I think about what went into the food. I'd rather make a juicy cheeseburger at home!

  5. Lunges - I am probably doing them too slowly and not deeply enough - because they aren't too bad. (Always a red flag!)

    The situps are the hardest for me. I don't think I actually have stomach muscles. I think they got lost somewhere in the last 50 years...

    The only way I can do them is to hook my feet under something - or throw my arms forward. Both cheating cheating cheating moves, I know. But otherwise I literally cannot do one!
